
Paket Lengkap Effectivity Of Foot Care Education Kegiatan In Improving Knowledge, Self-Efficacy And Foot Care Behavior Among Diabetes Mellitus Patients In Banjarbaru, Indonesia

Abstract: Diabetic foot kasus in Indonesia remains a big kasus and still needs an optimum concern. Foot care education is one of efforts that must be performed to prevent foot kasus among diabetes mellitus patients. This study aimed to analyze effectivity of foot care education kegiatan in improving knowledge, self-efficacy and foot care behavior of diabetes patients in Banjarbaru. This study was quasi experimental with prepost test as conducted at primary health care in Banjarbaru in 2013. Foot care education kegiatan was provided to intervention group. Samples were 48 patients (32 persons in intervension group and 16 persons in control group) using purposive sampling technique. Variables measured were knowledge, self-efficacy and foot care behavior of diabetes mellitus patients. Intervension provided on respondents was in form of health education concerning foot care for twice. Every variable was measured twice before and after intervension. Knowledge test was measured using Diabetic Foot Care Knowledge Questionnaire, self-efficacy was measured by using Foot Care Confident Scale Self-Efficacy and foot care behavior was assessed using Behavior Foot Care Questionnaire. Data analysis used Manova. Results showed significant differences on knowledge level (p value = 0.001), self-efficacy (p value = 0.000) and foot care behavior (p value = 0.000) before and after intervension.
Keywords: Education; foot care; self-efficacy
Penulis: Mahdalena, Endang Sri Purwanti Ningsih
Journal Code: jpkesmasgg160022

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