Paket Lengkap Efek Kepribadian Ekstraversi Karyawan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Training Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada Pt Gearindo Prakarsa Surabaya)
Abstract: The most important asset that an organization or company must have and must be maintained is human resources. In addition extraversion personality of a person to form behavioral patterns of thought and how they use it in their work. PT. Gearindo Prakarsa Surabaya is a network of sales, maintenance, repair and supply services. This study aims to analyze the influence of extraversion personality on employee performance with pelatihan as intervening variable (study at PT Gearindo Prakarsa Surabaya), with population of 48 employees who attended pelatihan course. Based on the results of this study is to show that the extraversion personality has a positive and significant effect on the employee's performance, extraversion personality has a negative and significant effect on the training, the pelatihan has a insignificant effect on the employee's performance. In silmutan that the influence of extraversionpersonality on employee performance with pelatihan as intervening variable have an insignificant effect.
Keywords: extraversion personality, employee performance, training
Penulis: Nur Eva Safitri
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171210