
Paket Lengkap Imbas Kesadaran Merek Dan Persepsi Kualitas Terhadap Niat Beli Produk Pelembut Dan Pewangi Pakaian Merek Softener So Klin Twilight Sensation Series Di Surabaya Selatan

Abstract: Wings Group is one of the successful companies engaged in the business of toiletries. One of the Wings Group products in the toiletries industry is Softener So Klin which has a positive note in increasing itsbrand value. This is supported by the Top Brand Index (TBI) results during the 2012-2014 Softener SoKlin period is still at a higher level. However, the decline in 2016 due to the inclusion of Downycompetitor products. By removing the latest variant of fabric Softener and fragrance, the TwilightSensation Series is believed to be able to attract consumers' buying intention through merk awareness and quality perceptions owned by Softener So Klin. The purpose of this study is to discuss and analyze the effect of merk awareness and quality perception on the intention to buy softener and perfumeproduct of Softener So Klin Twilight Sensation Series. The population in this study are retail storevisitors such as Supermarket and minimarket women aged 17-50 years who have never bought and useSoftener So Klin Twilight Sensation Series. The research location is Hypermart Royal Plaza as well assome retail stores Alfamart and Indomaret in South Surabaya with total sample of 110 people. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The result of the research shows that from theresult of t test, there is influence of merk awareness on purchase intention and the result of variable of perceive quality also influence to purchase intention.
Keywords: merk awareness, perceive quality, purchase intention
Penulis: Luluk Kriswianti
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171180

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