
Paket Lengkap Analisis Perbedaan Kinerja Perawat Pada Shift Kerja Di Rumah Sakit Usada Wage Sidoarjo

Abstract: Human as the driving force a company is a major factor because the success of the company depends on the humans involved behind. To get a good performance, company required comptent human resources in the carrying out its duties, therefore human resources have an important role in a company. Employee are an important resources foran agenc, because it has the talent, energy and creativity that is needed by agencies to achieve its goals. This studyaims to analyze the difference of nurse's performance on work shift at Usada Hospital Wage Sidoarjo. The research use quantitative research method. The sampling technique of this research using non probability sampling with the number of samples as many as 14 respondents. Statistical analysis method used is One Way Anova by using software SPSS version 16. The results explain that there is a difference in nurse's performance on work shifts atUsada hospital, so H0 was rejected. It is known after going through research f test where the performance variablehas a significant level below 5% is 0.045. The results in this study indicate that there is a difference in nurseperformance in terms of work shift at Usada Hospital Wage Sidoarjo
Keywords: Employee Performance, Work Shift, Usada Hospital Wage
Penulis: Putri Megasari Irawan
Penulis: Putri Megasari Irawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171171

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