Belajar Animasi Flash Fisika: Levent Sakar Physics
Ada lagi nih animasi keren untuk para pencinta fisika, lengkap deh pokoknya dimulai dari fisika klasik hingga fisika modern. Apalagi animasi flash ini berbasis fenomena nyata, sumber aku ambil dari Levent Sakar. Ayo kita lihat dan pelajari yuk. Tapi bagi sahabat yang ingin memperoleh kumpulan animasi ini berikut animasi lainnya dengan segera sanggup memesan paket CD animasi klik disini.
Watch and Learn
- Lesson 01: Motion in One Dimension
- Lesson 02: Motion in Two Dimensions
- Lesson 03: Newton's First Law
- Lesson 04: Newton's Second Law
- Lesson 05: Newton's Third Law
- Lesson 06: Applications of Newton's Laws
- Lesson 07: Work and Work-Energy Theorem
- Lesson 08: Conservative Forces and Potential Energy
- Lesson 09: Conservation of Energy
- Lesson 10: Power
- Lesson 11: Center of Mass
- Lesson 12: Impulse and Momentum
- Lesson 13: Conservation of Linear Momentum
- Lesson 14: Uniform Circular Motion
- Lesson 15: Angular Momentum
- Lesson 16: Torque and Rotational Statics
- Lesson 17: Rotational Kinematics and Dynamics
- Lesson 18: Simple Harmonic Motion
- Lesson 19: Mass on a Spring
- Lesson 20: Pendulum and Other Oscillations
- Lesson 21: Hydrostatic Pressure
- Lesson 22: Newton's Law of Gravity
- Lesson 23: Buoyancy
- Lesson 24: Orbits of Planets and Satellites
- Lesson 25: Fluid Flow Continuity
- Lesson 26: Electric Charges and Coulomb's Law
- Lesson 27: Bernoulli's Equation
- Lesson 28: Electric Fields
- Lesson 29: Mechanical Equivalent of Heat
- Lesson 30: Electric Potential
- Lesson 31: Specific and Latent Heat
- Lesson 32: Gauss’s Law
- Lesson 33: Heat Transfer and Thermal Expansion
- Lesson 34: Electrostatics with Conductors
- Lesson 35: Ideal Gases
- Lesson 36: Capacitors
- Lesson 37: Laws of Thermodynamics
- Lesson 38: Dielectrics
- Lesson 39: Current, Resistance, Power
- Lesson 40: DC Circuits with Batteries and Resistors
- Lesson 41: Capacitors in Circuits
- Lesson 42: Forces on Moving Charges
- Lesson 43: Forces on Current-carrying Wires in Magnetic Fields
- Lesson 44: Fields of Long, Current-carrying Wires
- Lesson 45: Biot-Savart and Ampere’s Law
- Lesson 46: Electromagnetic Induction
- Lesson 47: Inductance
- Lesson 48: Maxwell’s Equations
- Lesson 49: Wave Basics
- Lesson 50: Properties of Traveling Waves
- Lesson 51: Properties of Standing Waves
- Lesson 52: Sound Waves and Doppler Shift
- Lesson 53: Interference and Diffraction
- Lesson 54: Dispersion of Light and the EM Spectrum
- Lesson 55: Reflection and Refraction
- Lesson 56: Mirrors
- Lesson 57: Lenses
- Lesson 58: Photons and the Photoelectric Effect
- Lesson 59: Atomic Energy Levels
- Lesson 60: Wave-particle Duality
- Lesson 61: Nuclear Reactions
- Lesson 62: Mass-Energy Equivalence