
Belajar The Story Of The Solar System

The bodies of our Solar System have orbited continously around the Sun since their formation, but they have not always been there, and conditions have not always been as they are today. The Story of the Solar System explains how our Solar System came into existence, how it has evolved and how it might end billions of years from now. After a brief historical introduction, Mark Garlick describes the birth of the Sun and the steps that built up the bodies of the Solar System. Vivid illustrations of planets, moons, asteroids and comets complement the detailed descriptions. A comparison of these objects, and an analysis of how they have changed and evolved since birth is followed by a look towards the end of the Solar System's existence. Mark A. Garlick obtained his PhD in astrophysics from the Mullard Space Science Laboratory in Surrey, England. He is a member of the International Association of Astronomical Artists, and currently works as a freelance science writer and astronomical illustrator.

Tubuh tata surya kita telah mengorbit terus mengelilingi Matahari semenjak pembentukan mereka, tetapi mereka tidak selalu ada, dan kondisi tidak selalu ibarat sekarang. Kisah Tata Surya menjelaskan bagaimana tata surya kita muncul, bagaimana beliau telah berkembang dan bagaimana mungkin miliaran final tahun dari sekarang. Setelah pengenalan sejarah singkat, Mark Garlick menggambarkan kelahiran Matahari dan langkah-langkah yang dibangun badan Tata Surya. Vivid ilustrasi planet-planet, bulan, asteroid dan komet melengkapi deskripsi rinci. Sebuah perbandingan benda-benda, dan analisis ihwal cara mereka telah berubah dan berkembang semenjak lahir ini diikuti dengan melihat ke arah final keberadaan Tata Surya. Mark A. Garlick memperoleh gelar PhD dalam astrofisika dari Laboratorium Ilmu Angkasa Luar Mullard di Surrey, Inggris. Dia ialah anggota dari Asosiasi Internasional Astronomical Artis, dan ketika ini bekerja sebagai penulis lepas dan ilustrator ilmu astronomi.

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