
Paket Lengkap Analisis Pendapatan Orisinil Kawasan Dan Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhinya Dalam Rangka Otonomi Kawasan : Pendekatan Error Correction Model

ABSTRACT: In most its management region autonomy therefore needful a policy in point of local government to increase ability in dig up its own finance potency one of its stemmed one of Propertied Original region (PAD), kerena is PAD'S Proportion to full scale region acceptance makes a abode to constitute financial independence degree indication a local government.  To the effect that wants to be reached deep observational it is menganalisis factor that regards PAD. That factor cover: population local government expenditure and PDRB. Observed data in this research is datu runtut periodic time 1994 2008. Estimation model that utilized by Error Correction's Approaching Model.
KEYWORDS: Commanding expenditure, Population, PDRB, Regions Original income
Penulis: Dewi Oktavina
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd120731

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