
Paket Lengkap Efek Proses Pendidikan Di Aal Terhadap Kemampuan Kepemimpinan Lapangan Perwira Cukup Umur Di Daerah Penugasan Dengan Performance Sebagai Variabel Intervening

ABSTRACT: Some researches of education elements have been greatly worked out in the educational institutions, yet the researches have been rarely conducted in Indonesian Military Training Institutions. This research is aimed to prove that there is a positive influence of the Indonesian Naval Academy pembinaan process on the anabawang officer’s field leadership ability as the Indonesian Naval Academy graduates. And this research is particularly to prove that the performance of anabawang officers as resulted from Indonesian Naval Academy pembinaan is capable of being an intervening variable between the pembinaan and the ability of field leadership. The populations of this research are anabawang officers graduated from Indonesian Naval Academy in 2009, 2010 and 2011 serving in eastern fleet and 1st Marine Division. The method of sampling is a proportional simple random sampling by 132 samples. The complexity of interrelation occurred   between variables make variant of Partial Least Square based Structural Equation Modeling as a mean to prove a proposed hypotesa. The eventual conclusions are that educational variable in Indonesian Naval Academy has positive and significant influences on anabawang officer’s performances; performance variable has positive and significant influences on the ability of field leadership; educational variable has positive and significant influences on the ability of field leadership; field performance as previously played a role as intervening variable (between) has changed the role to be a moderating variable (amplifying), and the ability of anabawang officer’s field leadership in the workplace will be better if it is achieved from indirect interrelation between educational variable in Indonesian Naval Academy and the ability of anabawang officer’s field leadership with moderating performance variable in the workplace.
Keywords: pembinaan in Indonesian Naval Academy, performance, ability of field leadership performance
Penulis: Dian Tri Hutanto, Prasetyo Hadi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd120724

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