Paket Lengkap Dampak Penyuluhan Imunisasi Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Dan Kepatuhan Ibu Wacana Imunisasi Dasar Lengkap Pada Bayi Sebelum Usia 1 Tahun Di Kecamatan Karangmoncol
ABSTRACT: Immunization jadwal has been developed. It was done during prevention of some disease that preventable by immunization (PD31),i.e.tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertusis, measles, polio, tetanus, and hepatitis B. After data was evaluated, result known that there are still many areas with undertarget immunization, even there is too extreme slack. One of efforts done ispromotion program; such activates illumination about importance of immunization for babies and school-children and also childbearing age and pregnant mother, so public knowledge about immunization will motivate them to care and follow immunization without any worried.
Purpose of this study is to know the impact of immunization illumination for mother’s knowledge and attitude increase about complete basic immunization for 1 year old baby. It was a comparative study with posttest-only approach and control group experimental design, which isexperiment among 2 groups, treated group and untreated group as controller.
Sample size was determined by cluster random sampling using proportionestimation statistical of population 60 toddler’s mother.Data was collected usingquestionnaire about mother’s knowledge and attitude about complete basic immunization. It was firstly tested by validity and reliability test before. Analysis used was Two Independent Sample t-test by SPSS for Windows jadwal version 17. The result of knowledge achieved t-value = 5.387 with probability 0.000, whereas attitude achieved t-value = 11.495 with probability 0.000.
According to analysis result, it is concluded that there is impact of immunization illumination for mother’s knowledge increase about complete basic immunization. Beside that, there is also impact of immunization illumination for mother’s attitude about complete basic immunization to become better.
Key words: Promotion, Knowledge and Attitude
Penulis: Wilis Sukmaningtyas, Iis Setiawan
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd150410