Paket Lengkap Dampak Posisi Condong Ke Depan (Ckd) Dengan Pursed Lips Breathing (Plb) Terhadap Peningkatan Kondisi Pernafasan Pasien Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik (Ppok)
ABSTRAK: As care provider, the nurses providing nursing care service to help improve respiratory function COPD patients. Objectives: To investigate the influence of CKD position and CKD position toward PLB to increased respiratory Functions of COPD patients.
Methods: An experimental study was design randomized control trial pre-post test with control group technique among 33 COPD patients.
Result: This study found that there is not significant difference between before intervention group and after intervention group with the p-value > α.
Conclusion: The CKD position and PLB therapy are more effective than CKD posision or semi-flower to decrease the persoalan of dipsnea. Three-day-treatment of CKD posision and PLB done continually is as effective as the CKD position of single treatment to increase SaO2 and to increase RR respectively than that with semi fowler position.
keywords: RR, SaO2, Problem of dipnea, Quantity exhaled air, COPD, PLB, the position of CKD
Penulis: Suci Khasanah, Madyo Maryoto
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd150409