
Paket Lengkap Efek Konseling Ihwal Keputihan Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Keputihan Pada Wanita Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ii Baturaden Tahun 2014

ABSTRAK: Health problems are common genital area in women is vaginal discharge. As many as 75% of women in the world have suffered from pathological vaginal discharge. Indonesian women are more prone to reproductive tract infections (RTI) such as flour albus (white) in Indonesia picucuaca moist. Based on the results of preliminary studies conducted by researchers, the results obtained in 2013 the number of cases of pathological vaginal discharge as many as 953 cases,consisting of as many as 458 cases BV, trichomoniasis as 6 cases and 489 cases of candidiasis.
This research method is pre exsperimental design using the approach of one group pretest - posttest. Data collection techniques using primary data obtained from respondents directly, secondary data in the study include the initials of respondents, data on the number of women who mengalamikeputihan. The sampling technique used purposive sampling 91sampel.
The results showed that the results of the univariate analysis showed that prior knowledge of counseling average of 91 respondents was as much as 59.9 where the score is included in a sufficient knowledge. While after counseling the average amount of knowledge amounted to 71.7 is included in the score range sufficient knowledge.
Bivariate analysis results showed that there was an effect of counseling on discharge thitung (-10.424) <- ttable (-1.6620) and Sig value 0.000 <0.1 it can beconcluded that Ho is rejected, meaning that the average knowledge before and after counseling is different (no influence). The conclusion of this study that there was an effect of counseling on discharge given to women to the level of knowledge that increased scores but are still included in the knowledge enough.
Keywords: Counseling, Whitish, Knowledge Level, Woman
Penulis: Anggraeni Dwi Pamulatsih, Tin Utami
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd150417

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