
Paket Lengkap Faktor-Faktor Yang Menghipnotis Ibu Tidak Memakai Kontrasepsi Implant Di Kelurahan Rejasari Kecamatan Purwokerto Barat Kabupaten Banyumas Tahun 2015

Abstract: The use of birth control implant Achievement at the national, provincial, district and sub-district, the achievement is still low birth control implant. Acquisition of new family planning participants in Central Java as many as 997 425 acceptors with as many as 89 436 implant acceptors (8.97%). This is due to lack of knowledge about contraceptive implant, low education levels and socioeconomic levels were also lower. Based on the preliminary survey conducted in the Village Rejasari EFA number 572 people, who use KB 375 KB acceptors and Implant only 11 acceptors.
Objective: To determine the description of the factors that affect the mother does not usecontraceptive implants in Sub Rejasari District of West Purwokerto, Banyumas regency in 2015.
Methods: This research method is descriptive based on primary data taken using a questionnaire. The population of all active family planning acceptors in addition to implant in the Village Rejasari District of West Purwokerto, Banyumas regency totaling 364 acceptors. The sample used to use formulas slovin sampel.Pengambilan obtained 78 samples was done by using purposive sampling.Analisis data used univariate analysis Results: Most respondents have less knowledge about contraceptive implant that is as much as 32 respondents (41%), primary education is 48 respondents (61.5%) and economic level were as many as 34 respondents (43.6%).
Conclusions: description of the factors that affect the mother does not use contraceptive implants in Sub Rejasari District of West Purwokerto, Banyumas regency in 2015 among which the lack of knowledge, basic education and economic levels being.
Keywords: Knowledge, education, socio-economic, contraceptive implant
Penulis: Nur Baety, Maya Safitri, Arni Nur Rahmawati
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd150418

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