
Paket Lengkap Hubungan Karakteristik Suami Dengan Proteksi Pemberian Asi Langsung Di Wilayah Kedunguter Kecamatan Banyumas Kabupaten Banyumas Tahun 2013

Abstrack: Exclusive breastfeeding in the Banyumas a decline of 53.6% in 2011 to 49.9% in 2012.That's because the husband's lack of support exclusive breastfeeding. If fathers support and knowthe benefits of exclusive breastfeeding rate reached 98.1%. Otherwise without the support of herhusband, the success rate of exclusive breastfeeding was 26.9%. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the relationship with the husband's support exclusive breastfeeding in ruralareas Kedunguter Banyumas district in 2013.This study was an observational study with a correlational design with cross sectional approach. Sampling tec hnique in this study uses total sampling, the study sample were marriedcouples who have a baby with a good 0-6 months of exclusive breast-fed and non- breast fedexclusively by 30 couples. Questionnaires measuring instruments used and the type of data is the primary data. Data analysis using chi-square. There is a significant correlation between the age of husband, education and knowledge to support exclusive breastfeeding in the Village Kedunguter Banyumas district Banyumas in 2013 with a value of ?-value <a and there is no significant relationship between the husband's job to support exclusive breastfeeding in the Village District Kedunguter Banyumas Regency Banyumas in 2013 with a value of ?-value> a.
Keywords: Characteristics, Husband, Support, exclusive breastfeeding
Penulis: Susilo Rini, Diannike P
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd150411

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