
Paket Lengkap Imbas Penerapan Ayah Asi (Breastfeeding-Father) Terhadap Produksi Dan Pengeluaran Asi Pada Ibu Postpartum

Abstract: Many postpartum mothers in Indonesia can not be exclusively breastfed their babiesbecause the breast milk could not be produced smoothly. This is due to postpartum mothersoften having experience emotional disturbances which inhibit the release of oxytocin and milk.Breasfeeding father is an active role and involvement of the husband to give sopan santun andemotional  support in breastfeeding to release chemical reflexes to produce milk. This research aims to find out the effect of the application of breastfeeding-father to breast milk production.This research was one group time series design. The population of this research was all ofnormal deliveries of postpartum mothers in puerperal room in Mardi Waluyo Blitar Hospital.The samples selected based on writers for 30 amount people that will be measured their milk production, breastfeeding and the application of breastfeeding Father, then was givencounseling about breastfeeding father and asked to implement it. The data was analized using chi-square test to figure out the difference of breastmilk production between groups applyingbreastfeeding father and the group did not. The results showed there was differences of breastmilk production between groups that applying breastfeeding father and the group did not. Sothe breastfeeding father could apply the breastfeeding postpartum mothers to increase the breast milk production.
Keywords: Breastfeeding father, breast milk production
Penulis: Yeni Kartika Sari, Anita Rahmawati
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd140380

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