
Paket Lengkap Efek Kualitas Produk Dan Gambaran Merek Terhadap Minat Beli Honda Cbr 250Rr (Studi Pada Pengunjung Dealer Honda Delta Sidoarjo)

Abstract: There is an increasing demand for motor vehicle market in Indonesia. This causes many manufacturers to enter into the market, so the competition in the market getting tighter. Companies are required to prepareappropriate strategies in marketing their products. The purpose of this study is to analyze and discuss theinfluence of product quality and merk image on buying interest of motorcycle Honda CBR 250 RR. This study is a conclusive study and using non probability sampling technique. The sampling technique usedwas judgmental sampling with a total of 220 respondents. Technique of collecting data usingdissemination of Questionnaire. Writer using Likert scale for measurement in this study. Statisticalanalysis used is multiple linear regression analysis with spss for windows 23. The results show that thereis significant influence between product quality and merk image on buying interest, with significant value for product quality 0.000 and for merk image 0,000.
Keywords: Product Quality, Brand Image, Buying Interest
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180522

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