
Paket Lengkap Efek Persyaratan Kredit, Literasi Keuangan, Dan Demografi Terhadap Terusan Kredit Formal Pada Umkm Di Sidoarjo

Abstract: This study aims to analyze the impact of credit terms, financial literacy, and demographics to formal credit accessibility on Small Medium Enterprise (SME) in Sidoarjo. The research method in this study is purposive sampling where there are two requirements that must be fullfiled by the owner of SME to be chosen respondent in this study. The data in this study was collected by distributing questionnaires either directly or online from April 2nd 2018 – April 30th 2018. Samples on this study are 100 respondent who have access to credit at a formal financial institution. The method used in this study is multiple linear regression. The finding of this study shows that the credit requirements and financial literacy have a significant positive effect on access to formal credit. While age, gender, and level of education are not significant effect on access to formal credit. The implication of this research is known that access to formal credit by SMEs in Sidoarjo more affected by financial literacy variables, so the government is expected to improve the financial literacy rate of SMEs owners to socialize the importance of access to formal credit and financial management for the development of their businesses.
Keywords: Access to Formal Credit, Credit Terms, Financial Literacy, Demographics, Small Medium Enterprise (SME)
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180502

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