Paket Lengkap The Effect Of Job Stress, Work Environment And Workload On Employee Turnover Intention (Case Study At Pt. Wika Realty Manado)
ABSTRACT: Turnover phenomenon is the last option for employees in company when they find the working conditions are no longer suitable as expected. However, most of the turnover brought an adverse influence on the organization, both in terms of cost and in loss of time and chance to take advantage of opportunities. If the turnover occurs in a company, ompany will lose a number of employees and should replace them with the new ones. Some negative affect such as uninterested to the job, a lack of concern for the organization, or a loss of responsibility can occur. It may cause a decrease in job satisfaction of employees and this condition will certainly lead to job stress. Present study is focused to analyis the effect of among Job Stress, Work Environment and Workload on Employee Turnover Intention. This research used quantitaitve method. The sample of this research is all of the employee in PT. Wika Realty Manado consist of 56 employees. This research used probability sampling and the date filled by the questionaire. The result of this research shows that there is a significant effect of Job Stress, work environment and workload on employee turnover intention. PT. Wika Realty must pay attention and manage well amount of job that they give to their workers.
Keywords: turnover intention, job stress, work environment, workload
Penulis: Margaritha J. Tulangow, David P. E. Saerang, Farlane S. Rumokoy
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180254