Paket Lengkap Analisis Imbas Return On Equity, Debt To Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Dan Price To Book Value Terhadap Return Saham Syariah (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Dalam Jakarta Islamic Index Masa 2011-2015)
ABSTRACT: This research aims to determine the influence of variables consisting of Return On Equity, Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, and privce to Book Value of the stock returnof sharia in the companies belonging to the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) in the year 2007-2011. Sharia stocks are stocks in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) are corporations stockswhile are in operation not contradiction with Islamic Sharia, either on the product or itsmanagement. The grouping of Sharia stocks are in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) in theJakarta Stock Exchange. This research uses secondary data obtained from the financialstatements of companies belonging to the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). Sampling was done by purposive sampling method, the number of samples used by 14 companies. Theanalytical method used in this research is multiple linear regression method. The resultsof this study indicate that the Return On Equity, Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio andPrice to Book Value simultaneously significant effect on stock returns. The results of the analysis of partial Return On Equity significant negative effect, while the Debt to EquityRatio and Price to Book Value significant positive effect, the Current Ratio is not significant positive effect on stock returns. The results showed that 42.7% of variation variable stock returns can be explained by the variable Return On Equity, Debt to EquityRatio, Current Ratio and Price to Book Value. While 57.3% stock return variable variation explained by other factors.
Keywords: Return On Equity, Debt To Equity Ratio, Current Ratio, Price To Book Value, Stock Return
Penulis: Agung Anugrah, Muhamad Syaichu
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170847