
Paket Lengkap Dampak Orientasi Kewirausahaan, Penemuan Produk, Dan Pinjaman Partner Terhadap Keunggulan Bersaing (Studi Pada Industri Masakan Dan Minuman Skala Kecil Dan Menengah Di Kota Semarang)

Abstract: Industry in Indonesia been growing well from year to year, including growth in the food and beverage industry. More businessman interested and join the food and beverage industry nowadays.  Many ways businessman  do to win the competition  in the industry or also known as competitive advantage. This research’s objectives are to test the influence of entrepreneurial orientation, product innovation, and partnership support against the competitive advantage of food and beverage industry in Semarang city.
Taking a sample of 150 respondents  from businessman  in food and beverage industry in Semarang city using simple random sampling technique selecting respondents. The method of data analysis used is multiple regression analysis, where the analysis consist of validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression test, t test, and F test.
The result of multiple regression analysis shows that product innovation variable (0.363)and partnership   support  (0.152)  variable  have  positive  and  significant   influence  to  competitive advantage,  while entrepreneurial  orientation  (0.087)has  positive but not significant  influence  to competitive advantage.
Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation, product innovation, partnership support, competitive advantage
Penulis: Elisabeth Lisato Puspasari, Susilo Toto Rahardjo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170767

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