
Paket Lengkap Faktor-Faktor Yang Menghipnotis Kinerja Pegawai Instalasi Farmasi Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D Kandou Manado

ABSTRACT: Performance can be interpreted as a result of the effort made and also the process toward the expected results of a job. Many of the factors behind the performance of employees include individual variables (age, education, years of service), organizational variables (compensation, feedback, working conditions), psychological variables (motivation). This research uses qualitative and quantitative research methods, with cross sectional approach against 80 peoples. The data obtained were then analyzed by statistical test in the form of univariate analysis and for bivariate analysis using Chi-Square crosstab test. The results obtained showed that about 56.25% of employees have poor performance. Of the 3 variables tested, the factors that influence the individual factor is the age with the value of p obtained was 0.01 (p value ≤0.05), the organizational factor is the feedback with the value of p obtain was 0.001 (p value ≤0.05) and the factor psychology that is motivation with p value obtained was 0.02 (p value ≤0.05). Meanwhile other variables did not show significant result in affecting the performance.
Keywords: Employee performance, hospital pharmacy installation
Penulis: Nikita Tumbelaka
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170696

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