
Paket Lengkap Formulasi Dan Uji Kegiatan Antioksidan Losio Ekstrak Metanol Alga Hijau Caulerpa Racemosa

Abstrak: Caulerpa racemosa is one type of green algae has the ability to defend againts radiation of ultraviolet. Lotion is a liquid or semiliquid preparation containing one or more active ingredients with a suitable vehicle and provides a comfortable and good feel to the skin. The aim of this research was to obtain the optimum formula based on organoleptic testing,viscosity,pH,flow type,globule of dispersion and antioxidant activity.the method of this research is experimentally which done by making some design of lotion formulation from methanolic extract of green alga caulerpa racemosa. Stability of lotion was evaluated include organoleptic testing,pH measurement,type of emulsion,viscosity,flow type,size and distribution of globule dispersion. Determining of effectiveness of lotion as an antioxidant by IC50 value with UV-Vis spectrophotometry method. Result of this research collected and processed statistically with the completely randomized design method,then made the discussion and taken the conclusion.based on the evaluation,it was found that lotion containing 0.75% methanolic extract of caulerpa racemosa green algae (formula III) had the most optimum pharmaceutical stability. And the three lotion formulas have antioxidant activity
Kata Kunci: Green algae, Caulerpa racemosa, lotion of antioxidant
Penulis: Nurlina, M Ilham Tomagola, Riskawati Angraini
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd180138

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