Paket Lengkap Potensi Ekstrak Etanol Daun Petai (Parkia Speciosa Hassk.) Terhadap Kadar Superoksida Dismutase (Sod) Pada Plasma Tikus Yang Mengalami Stres Oksidatif
Abstract: Cigarette smoke is free radicals superoxide resources that contains, hydrogen peroxide, hidrosil and peroksil. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an enzymatic antioxidant that protect cells from oxidative stress by catalize superoxide dismutase (O2*) into O2 and H2O2. The aimed of this study was to determine the potential of ethanolic extract of petai leaves against plasma SOD enzyme activity in animals that was exposed by cigarette smoke. The extract was made by maseration method using ethanol 96%. Thirty-six rats Sprague Dawley strain were divided into six groups: normal group was not given treatment, negative group received 10% CMC-Na, positive control group received vitamin E, and treatment group received ethanolic extract of petai leaves 50; 100; 250 mg/kgBW of mice. All rats were treated for 14 days. SOD activity was measured by UV-Visible spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 505 nm. Statistical analysis using One Way ANOVA. The mean value of SOD activity for normal, negative control, positive control and the group receiving the ethanolic extract of petai leaves dose of 50; 100; 250 mg/kg in a row is 37.979 ± 3708; 59.932 ± 3085; 48.552 ± 1234; 57.239 ± 2102; 50.774 ± 1632; 59.124 ± 4849. The result showed ethanolic extract of petai leaves affected on the activity of SOD was dose of 100 mg/kg.
Keywords: Parkia speciosa Hassk., superoksida dismutase, oxidative stress, cigarette smoke
Penulis: Ruth Haryanti Butarbutar, Robiyanto , Eka Kartika Untari
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd160722