
Paket Lengkap Evaluation Of Drug Management And Service Quality Of Several Public Primary Health Care Pharmacies In Bandung

ABSTRACT: In national health coverage era, public primary health care pharmacy must be supported by good drug management and service quality. These include human resources, pharmaceutical inventory management, and pharmacy service quality. This paper empirically evaluates the drug management that consist of planning, procurement, storage, distribution, and documentation aspects; and also how patients perceived pharmacy service quality. The research used observational descriptive design through triangulation method (observation, interview and checklist) for drug management evaluation in two primary public HCs and a self-completion Likert-scale SERVQUAL questionnaire was developed using a convenience sampling technique, given to 794 patients from three Primary public HCs that received medicine from pharmacy. This survey included five service quality dimensions; tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The drug management in two primary public HCs had been categorized as having excellent management with the mean score 88.89% and 89.58% of all aspects and gap analysis showed mean gap score for five service quality dimensions of -0.98; -0.83 for responsiveness, -0.91 for reliability, -0.81 for assurance, -1.47 for empathy, -0.89 for tangibility, showing that patient expectation was still not met. Satisfaction level for pharmacy service was 79.53 % which is categorized as excellent. This paper provides useful information to primary public health care provider that the pharmacy unit is not providing service quality level expected by patients and needs improvement in many variables.
Keywords: Drug Management, Service Quality, Pharmacy, Public Primary Health Care, Evaluation
Penulis: Rizki Siti Nurfitria, Akhmad Priyadi, Sepriantina
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd170529

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