Paket Lengkap Formulasi, Uji Stabilitas Fisik, Dan Uji Aktifitas Sediaan Gel Hand Sanitizer Dari Air Perasan Jeruk Nipis (Citrus Aurantifolia Swingle) Berbasis Karbomer
Abstrak: Research about formulation gel hand sanitizer of lemon lime fruit (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) and determination of activity against several test bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans and Salmonella thyposa has been done. The aimed of this research is to determine the physical stability of hand sanitizer gel preparations of the fruit juice of lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) and its activity against several test bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans and Salmonella thyposa. Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) obtained is washed and cut and then squeezed and filtered. Juice was then made by varying the concentration gel base karbopol 940 0.5%, 1% and 1.5%. Physical stability of the gel was tested by measuring pH, syneresis, viscosity and dispersive power and test its activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans and Salmonella thyposa using the method of semoga diffusion. Gel with a karbopol concentration of 1% and 1.5% had no change in viscosity, and syneresis dispersive power so it can be expressed physically stable.
KATA KUNCI: gel hand sanitizer; lime; karbopol
Penulis: Hurria
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd140549