
Paket Lengkap Uji Efektivitas Daya Anthelmintik Jus Biji Mentimun (Cucumis Sativum, L) Terhadap Cacing Ascaridia Galli Secara In Vitro

Abstract: Research has been conducted to review the efficacy of anthelmintic on seeing the juice of cucumber seeds ( Cucumis sativum , L ) Against Ascaridia galli by in vitro method . By experimental study was conducted , with samples of seeds of cucumber ( Cucumis sativum , L ) The smoothed and made with 3 concentrations That is 15 % , 30 % and 60 % . The experimental animals used is Ascaridia galli with negative control solution of NaCl 0.9 % and a positive control pyrantel pamoate suspension with concentrations of 0.2 % , 0.4 % and 0.6 % . The analysis of data is probit analysis be adopted . Results Of Research was claimed that the juice of cucumber seeds ( Cucumis sativum , L ) have anthelmintic efficacy against Ascaridia galli with 12.76 % LC50 and LT50 3 hours 4 minutes 39 seconds . Comparising with tables of LD50 value, the obtained dose is 472,59mg / kg and it is in no toxic category.
Keywords: anthelmintic, Cucumis sativum, L, Ascaridia galli, pirantel pamoat
Penulis: Leonov Rianto
Kode Jurnal: jpfarmasidd160422

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