Paket Lengkap Factors Affecting Diet Failure In Diabetes Patients Mellitus In Hospital Cares Diabetes Mellitus (Rumpi Pendiam), Tlogo, Bantul, Yogyakarta
ABSTRACT: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder that affects the production of insulin abnormalities. Knowledge, family support and medication management adherence are important to maintain the condition of the patient in order to prevent complications. The number of people with diabetes mellitus in Yogyakarta in 2014 is 2,891 new cases each year. Bantul District Health Office also reported that the number of people with diabetes mellitus in 2017 that is 14,556 people. The objective of this research was to know the factors that influence the failure of diet in patient of diabetes mellitus that is knowledge, family support and compliance of medicine in Rumpi Pendiam, Tlogo, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. This research used cross sectional approach. Sampling using purposive sampling technique from total population 70 people. The data were collected by using questionnaire. Bivariate test using contingency coefficient (p <0,05). The results showed that 53 patients, 71.7% had sufficient knowledge, 43.4% adequate family support and 62.3% medication adherence in sufficient category. The result of bivariate test showed that there was influence between knowledge with diet failure (p = 0,003), with 41.5% did not fail in diet. There was an influence between family support and dietary failure (p = 0.040), but only 22.6% did not fail in the diet and there was an influence between dietary adherence to dietary failure (p = 0.000), with 37.7% not failing run a diet. For conclusion, there was an influence between knowledge, family support and medication adherence to dietary failure in patients with diabetes mellitus in Rumpi Pendiam. Diabetes mellitus patients are expected to maintain adherence in the diet and take medication for the purpose of management of diabetes mellitus can be achieved.
KEYWORDS: diabetes mellitus, diet failure, knowledge, family support
Penulis: Mutiara Dewi Listiyanawati, Wahyu Rizky, Astianingrum Sanjaya
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170434