Paket Lengkap Mothers Attitude About Anemia In Pregnancy
ABSTRACT: Anemia are a cases in Indonesia and mostly caused by deficiency of Fe. It was called iron nutritional anemia. Iron nutritional anemia is one of factors in the improvement of public nutrition besides vitamin A and iodine deficiency disorders. Based on Riskesdas 2013, there were 37.1% of pregnant mothers that were included in anemia with hemoglobin <11.0 g/dL. The proportion of mothers were almost equal in urban (36.4%) and rural areas (37.8%). In the year of 2013, among 5 cities in Yogyakarta, the highest incidence of anemia in pregnant mothers was Bantul with the incidents as many 2,481 (27.67%). Based on preliminary study in September – November in Public Health Center of Sedayu I, the number of pregnant mothers were 90. They who had HB level <11% as many 18 people (20%). The number of pregnant women in Public Health Center of Sedayu II was 222 and they who had HB level <11% as many 30 people (13.5%). This research used descriptive analysis with cross sectional design. Samples were whole pregnant mothers who came to Health Center of Sedayu I and Sedayu II. Samples were selected by using accidental sampling with the number of sample as many 58 pregnant mothers. The research showed that good attitude were observed in 47 pregnant mothers (81.0 %). It was measured from nutrient intake, the quality of ANC and counseling officers, obedience to consume and how to consume tablets Fe, consumption frequency of tea and coffee. Respondents that was included in no anemia as many 46 people (79.3%). Among them, 89.4% had good attitude. About 63.6% of respondents were included in anemia and had less attitude. From the result, it is important for midwives to provide integrated ANC to reduce the number of maternal anemia in Public Health Center of Sedayu I and II.
KEYWORDS: pregnant mothers attitude, anemia status
Penulis: Friska Herlina, Fatimah, Sri Marwanti
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170424