Paket Lengkap The Relationship Between Type Of Occupation And Nutritional Status Of 2Nd Trimester Pregnant Women In Mergangsan
ABSTRACT: Lack of nutrients and a low degree of maternal health is still very vulnerable. It marked the high maternal mortality rate (MMR) caused by bleeding due to anemia and chronic energy deficiency (CED) during pregnancy. The maternal mortality rate increased from the year 2011 which was 126 every 100,000 live born to 2013 which was 204 every 100,000 live born and a significant decrease in 2014 to 46 in every 100,000 live born. Factors associated with the nutritional status of pregnant women include education level, economic level, the level of knowledge, occupation, and age. The objective of the study to determine the relationship between type of occupation with the nutritional status of 2nd trimester pregnant women in Mergangsan Health Center Yogyakarta. This study used inferential method with cross sectional research design. The subjects were the 2nd trimester pregnant women in Mergangsan Health Center Yogyakarta. The population used all pregnant women checkups at Mergangsan health centers from September to November 2015 that were 121 pregnant women. The samples used 30 respondents, the sampling technique used accidental sampling. Measuring instrument used questionnaire. The results of statistical calculations using chi square test was 0.039, to determine the significant, correlation level of the results were compared with p-value (p <0.05) and to determine the strength of the relationship, it can be seen from table correlation coefficient that was 0.553 guidelines. It was included in interval 0.40 to 0.599 that was chategorized as the medium relationship level. So it can be stated that there was a relationship between type of occupation with the nutritional status of 2nd trimester pregnant women in Mergangsan health center and it was medium relationship level.
KEYWORDS: type of employment, nutritional status, maternal of trimester II
Penulis: Umi Faridah, Ircham Machfoed, Susi Ernawati
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170437