Paket Lengkap Anemia In Pregnant Mother And Low Birth Weight
Abstract: Anemia in pregnancy has an adverse effect on the mother, both in pregnancy, childbirth and in the puerperium and later on. Various complications can arise from anemia,such as: abortion, prematurus partus, old partus, bleeding, shock, infection both inpartum andpostpartum. The most common anemia in pregnancy is iron deficiency anemia. The purpose of this study was to determine the association of anemia with low birth weight
Methods: Disain in this study was cross sectional approach. The data used is secondary data obtained from medical records in RSUD Dr.Adjidarmo Rangkas Bitung. The population in this study is all the babies who were born in Dr. RSUD. Adjidarmo Hospital Year 2016, the samplesize is calculated by different hypothesis test formula for 2 population proportion (two sided test) with the minimal sample 82 respondents.
Results: Majority of mothers with anemia who gave birth to LBW infants were 66.0% of statistical test results obtained p value 0,000, it was concluded that there was a relationshipbetween anemia factor with the incidence of BBLR
Conclusions: Pregnant women with anemia tend to have an impact on the fetus, because the fetus in the womb absorbs the needs of the mother. If the pregnant woman has anemia then themetabolic system in the body is disrupted. So it can inhibit the growth of the fetus in the womb that resulted in baby BBLR. Adequate health education related to pregnancy anemia and prevention of anemia during pregnancy need to be done to prevent LBW occurrence.
Keywords: Nutritional status of pregnant women, low birth weight
Penulis: Ria Damayanti, Siti Nurzannah
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170121