
Paket Lengkap Efek Edukasi Wacana Proteksi Asi Langsung Terhadap Tingkat Efikasi Diri Ibu Untuk Menyusui Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah

ABSTRACT: The most parents unprepared to face when their babies the birth of low birth weight. So parents need to be briefed and health education whentreat infants with low birth weight. One aspect of the mother that influencesuccess in breastfeeding and caring for baby is a mother's confidence (selfefficacy).The aim of this study is to determine the effect of exclusivebreastfeeding education to the level of self-efficacy on mothers to breastfeed theirbabies with low birth weight.
Methods: This study is use a pre experiment with one group pretest posttest design. The research take 18 samples which using consecutive sampling technique. The instrument using are questionnaires, flipcharts and leaflets. The data analysis is using the Chi Square test.
Results: The results of statistical analyzes by Chi Square test values(Pvalue) the value is 0,018 which is less than the critical limit studies of 0.05 (Pvalue 0.018<0.05), so the decision hypothesis is accept Ha or there is a significant difference between the groups pre-test and post-test.
Conclusion: There are effect of education about giving of exclusive breast with mother‟s levelbreastfeeding for infantwith low birth weight Keywords:education, self efficacy, exclusive breastfeeding, low birth weight
Penulis: Suyami
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170304

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