Paket Lengkap Factors Related To Maternal Participation In Pregnant Mother Class
Abstract: Pregnant Women's Class is a means to learn together about health for pregnant women. The sasaran of the Ministry of Health in 2013 that must be achieved from the class activities of pregnant women is 93%, while the excess is less than the sasaran that is only 86.85%. The purpose of this study to determine factors associated with maternal participation in pregnant women's class in Posyandu Merpati 1, Village Mekarsari, Puskesmas Rajeg Tangerang area in 2016.
Methods:.This study design using cross sectional. The population are all the pregnant mother who visited the Pregnant women’s class and 43 mothers were taken as the samples. The questionnaire was using as the instrument in this study. Statistic analysis using chi-square test.
Results:Based on the results of this study, it is known that the factors that influence the results of this study are: the results showed that there was a correlation between knowledge (p-value 0,000), age (P-value 0.022), education (P-value 0.004) and husband / family support (P-Value 0.001) with the participation of maternal class. While at work and parity there is no relationship with P-Value 0.656 and 0.778
Conclusions:The advice can be given to health workers should hold a class schedule pregnantwomen outside the working day (day off ) so that working mothers can attend classes for pregnant women
Keywords: Characteristics of pregnant women, knowledge, support husbandfamily and pregnancy class participation
Penulis: Yayah Sya’diah, Hasanah
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170123