Paket Lengkap Family Effort In Fulfilling Personal Hygiene For Mental Disorderpeople
Abstract: Personal hygiene is a necessity of every person including people with mental disorder. People who are able to fulfill this needs during lives at home is family. The main personal hygiene that needs to be fulfilled is the hygiene of the body and the welfare of the physical and psychological. The purposes of the research was to know the family effort in fulfilling personal hygiene of people with mental disorder. The research design used descriptive. The research population was families who have’s members with mental disorder who were registered at public health center ofKepanjenKidulBlitar City. The samplewas 30 families selectedby purposive sampling. The data collection process was on Mei 31st until July 30th, 2017. The result showed that the family effort in good category was 24 families (80.0%), fair category was 5 families (16.7%), and less category was 1 family (3.3%).Personal hygiene of person with mental disorder are the needs of dress and toilet.It was recommendedto maintain family efforts to fulfill of his personal hygiene need using health education by health provider.
Keywords: efforts, family, personal hygiene, mental disorder
Penulis: Suprajitno
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd170214