Paket Lengkap Citra Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Wacana Perubahan Fisiologis Pada Kehamilan Di Puskesmas Kutasari Kecamatan Kutasari Kabupaten Purbalingga Tahun 2008
ABSTRACT: The physical changes that occur during pregnancy, will affect the sense of comfort during the pregnancy. Ignorance pregnant women about the physical changes thatoccur, may lead to a false perception of the mother. Perception that one will be taken the wrong response anyway. Hopefully with the handling of disease symptoms during pregnancy that can quickly reduce the risk of maternal death from complications of pregnancy.
Objective : This study aims to describe the level of knowledge of pregnant women about the physiological changes in pregnancy in Kutasari Health Center in 2008.
Methods : This study is a quantitative descriptive study with cross sectional approach. Samplingtechnique in this study used purposive sampling, samples of this study were all pregnant women in health centers Kutasari in 2012 by 93 respondents. Instrument used questionnaires and types of data are primary data. Analysis of the data using univariate analysis.
Results : Most of the knowledge of pregnant women about the physiological changes in pregnancy is enough (63.4%), respondents with age < 20, 20-35 years and >35 years old have enough knowledge. Respondents with elementary and high school education have sufficient knowledge level, ingusan high school has less knowledge levels and university education (PT) has a good level of knowledge. Respondents with electronic media resources, mass media and health workers have sufficient knowledge. Respondents with IRT work, farmers and the private sector has sufficient knowledge and respondents with jobs most civil servants have good knowledge.
Keywords: Knowledge Level, Age, Education, Resources, Jobs
Penulis: Maryanta D, Arlyana Hikmanti A
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd090021