
Paket Lengkap Description Of Pregnant Satisfaction Of Service Prenatal Care (Anc) In Bpm Ny. Ida Yusniarti, Amd. Keb Village Kedungrandu Patikraja District District Banyumas 2014

ABSTRACT: Studies of patient satisfaction need to be done in order to improve the performance of obstetric care in case ANC best and oriented to patient satisfaction. Apreliminary survey conducted on 12 pregnant women who were conducting the examination obtained 5 states in accordance with the services provided during the inspection because it is done with precise and reliable, the service is polite and friendly, 3 states midwiferesponsiveness in resolving patient complaints, four people claimed services granted as expected.
Objective : to know the description satisfaction pregnant women to antenatal care provided by a midwife in the Ny BPM. Ida Yusniarti, Amd. Keb Village Kedungrandu Patikraja District of Banyumas 2014.
Methods : This study used quantitative descriptive analysis with cross-sectional design, thisstudy uses primary data was acquired on August 14 to 19, 2014, with the enclosed questionnaire (close ended) by accidental sampling technique of sampling, sample size of 30 people.
Result : The level of satisfaction obtained most of the pregnant women were satisfied as much as 16 respondents (53.3%), satisfaction levels based on the reliability of pregnantwomen said they were satisfied as much as 14 respondents (46.7%), satisfaction levels based on the responsiveness of pregnant women said they were satisfied by 17 respondents(56.7%), satisfaction levels based on the assurance of pregnant women said they were satisfied as much as 14 respondents (46.7%), the level of satisfaction of pregnant women based on empathy expressed satisfaction as much as 14 respondents (46.7%), and the level of satisfaction of pregnant women by tangibility menyatakanpuas as many as 15 respondents (50%).
Conclusion: The satisfaction of pregnant women to antenatal care services in BPM Ny. Ida Yusniarti, Amd. Keb Village Kedungrandu 2014 pregnant women found satisfaction levels largely satisfied.
Keywords: Satisfaction, pregnant women, antenatal care
Penulis: Kartikasari B, Wirakhmi IN, Rini S
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd160247

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