Paket Lengkap Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Perdarahan Postpartum Di Rsud Banjarnegara Tahun 2008
Abstract: Preliminary Survey conducted by researchers at the Hospital Banjarnegara, the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage in 2007 as many as 125and in 2008 142 mothers postpartum, so that the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage was increased by 11.97% in 2008 The cause of postpartum hemorrhage between another is atonic uterus, retained placenta, uterine inversio, rips through the birth canal and retained placenta.
Objective: To determine the cause of the incident description of the factors of postpartum hemorrhage in Banjarnegara District Hospital in 2008. Based on anatonic uterus, retained placenta, uterine inversio, rips through the birth canal and retained placenta.
Methods: This research method is quantitative descriptive based on secondary data taken using a master table. The population of all postpartum mothersexperiencing postpartum haemorrhage in Banjarnegara District Hospital in 2008. Total population of 142 cases. The sampling technique using total sampling. The total sample of 142.
Results: Completeness of data in the medical record is only 142 PPH. atonicpostpartum hemorrhage because there were 11 cases (7.7%), retained placenta 64 cases (45.1%), uterine inversio 0 cases (0%), birth canal laceration 20 cases (14.1%) and for the rest of the placenta There were 47 cases (33.1%).
Conclusion: Overview of the causes of postpartum hemorrhage events in Banjarnegara District Hospital in 2008 among which atonic uterus, retained placenta, uterine inversion, rips through the birth canal and retained placenta.
Keywords: Factors that cause, PPH
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd090016