
Paket Lengkap Keterkaitan Paritas Dan Umur Ibu Dengan Diastasis Musculus Recti Abdominis (Dmra)

ABSTRACT: Physiological Adaptation to pregnancy was dramatic and oftenunderestimated. The time and intensity of change varies among different systems. Early in pregnancy, uterine growth occurs due to hyperplasia and hypertrophy ofmyometrium cells under the influence of estrogen. During the first few months ofpregnancy, uterine wall becomes much thicker and softer, at the age of justmonths uterus into a muscular pouch with soft walls, easy curved and thickness of0.5-1 cm or less (Margaret A; 2009), in addition to the hormonal changes causedby relaxin, progesterone and estrogen combines with the growth of the uterus maycause abdominal stretch the muscles bibs, affecting most of the rectus abdominismuscles that cause separation (diastasis recti abdominis). These postural changes can affect the placement angle of pelvic and abdominal muscles, affecting postural biochemistry. If this continues, diastasis rectiadbominis vector akanmenyebabkan a loss in muscle strength, and will cause a reduction in muscle strength at the time of contraction that would cause labor becomes longer (Meredy, 2000). Therefore, the authors interested in examining the "Linkage history of childbirth and the mother's age to diastasis recti abdominis".
Methods: using chi square. Result: The description contained primiparas by 72.1%, description maternal age of 21.4%, description of events diastasis recti abdominis musculus by 27.3%, There is a relationship between parity with diastasis recti abdominis, There was no relationship between parity with diastasis recti abdominis
Keywords: diastasis recti abdominis, pregnancy
Penulis: Mariah Ulfah
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd160244

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