
Paket Lengkap Korelasi Pengetahuan Orang Bau Tanah Ihwal Cara Merawat Gigi Anak Dengan Insiden Karies Gigi Pada Anak Di Paud Makkah Desa Kaliori Kecamatan Kalibagor Kabupaten Banyumas Tahun 2014

ABSTRAK: Poor dental care is one of the factors that influence the occurrence of dental caries. Preliminary study of the incidence of dental caries in children in mekkah playgroup is higher than mulia bangsa playgroup. The high percentage of incidence of dental caries in children do Mekkah Playgroup can not be separatedfrom a lack of parental knowledge about how to care for your child’s teeth, so they do not control the type of food / snacks are eaten by children and do not get children to brush their teeth regularly every day.
The study aims to determine the relationship of parental knowledge about how to care for your child's teeth with dental caries incidence in children in Makkah Playgroup Kaliori Kalibagor Village District of Banyumas city in 2014.
The method used is analytic survey with cross sectional approach. This study uses primary data in the form of answers to questionnaires maternal knowledge about how to care for your child's teeth and observations on the incidence of dental caries in children. The study population of all parents of children in Makkah Playgroup Kaliori Kalibagor Village District of Banyumas city in 2014 as many as 52 people. The study sample as many as 52 people were taken to the total sampling. Data analysis using chi square test.
Parents of children with early childhood knowledge about how to care for your teeth Makkah children mostly in the category of pretty much as 25 people (48.1%). Children of Makkah Playgroup mostly experienced dental caries asmany as 34 children (65.4%). There is a relationship of parental knowledge about how to care for your child's teeth with dental caries incidence in children of
Makkah Playgroup Kaliori Kalibagor Banyumas City in 2014 (p = 0.008). Knowledge of parents about how to care for your child's teeth associated with the incidence of dental caries in children of Makkah Playgroup Kaliori Kalibagor Banyumas city in 2014.
Keywords: Knowledge, Toots Care, dental caries
Penulis: Susilo Rini, Ina Lusiana
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd160246

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