Paket Lengkap Korelasi Tingkat Kepuasan Ibu Hamil Terhadap Pelayanan Anc Dengan Motivasi Untuk Melaksanakan Anc Di Kelurahan Purwokerto Kulon Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Purwokerto Selatan Kabupaten Banyumas
ABSTRACT: One of the efforts to accelerate the reduction in maternal mortality and infant is the approach to maternal and neonatal health services quality, that do visit antenatal or Antenatal Care (ANC).
Objective: To determine the relationship between the level of satisfaction of pregnant women to antenatal care with motivation do antenatal care.
Methods: This study was descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling. Samples were pregnant women, a number of 30 respondents.
Results: From the results, the majority of pregnant women to the level of satisfaction of antenatal care services is quite satisfied as much as 15 respondents(50%), and most of the motivation of respondents are currently as many as 15respondents (50%).
Conclusion: There is a relationship between satisfaction pregnant women to antenatal care with the motivation to do antenatal care in Purwokerto Kulon village in 2012 with ρ-value <α (0.000 <0.05).
Keywords: Satisfaction Pregnancy, Antenatal Care, Motivation Antenatal Care
Penulis: Fitria Zuhriyatun, Tuni Candra Dewi
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd090034