Paket Lengkap Pengetahuan Dan Perilaku Cukup Umur Putri Kelas Xi Wacana Pengguguran Sebab Kehamilan Tidak Dikehendaki Di Sma Negeri 1 Karangkobar Kabupaten Banjarnegara
Abstract: BKKBN predict from 2,5 million abortion case per year, 1,5 million done by adolescent. based on information from school side, at Sekolah Menengan Atas country 1 Karangkobar in the year teachings 2008- 2009,found 5 students that deliver out because pregnant.To detect erudition description and class daughter adolescent attitude XI about abortion because pregnancy not wish for.
Methods: Watchfulness uses quantitative descriptive method with approaches cross sectional, tekhnik primary data collecting by admission filling kuesioner where tekhnik data collecting use cluster randomsampling as big as 47 respondents. data is analyzed with analysis univariat.
Results: Watchfulness shows class daughter student erudition XI Sekolah Menengan Atas country 1 Karangkobar aboutabortion because pregnancy not wish for has good erudition that is as much as 26 respondents (55%) and for attitude, a large part posed unfavorable 26 respondents (55,32%) and a part little posed favorable 21 respondents (44,68%). Conclusion: Class daughter student erudition level XI Sekolah Menengan Atas country 1 Karangkobar about abortion because pregnancy not wish for good and student attitude unfavorable.
Keyword: Erudition, attitude, adolescent daughter, abortion
Penulis: Linda Yanti, Susi Wijayanti
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd100046