Paket Lengkap Relasi Antara Faktor Umur Resiko Tinggi Ibu Bersalin Dengan Kejadian Persalinan Prematur Di Rsud Purbalingga Tahun 2008
ABSTRACT: To determine the corelation between high risk factors of age with the incidence of premature birth mothers.
Methods: This research method is analytic survey design and using Case Control retrospective approach based on secondary data taken with manual techniques. The population is all women giving birth, while the samples taken in total sampling and obtained a sample of 1165 people women giving birth in hospitals Purbalingga 2008.
Results: The results showed that of the 1165 mothers who included high-risk age category(<20 years and> 35 years) of 344 with incidence of premature as many as 77 people (22.4%),the remaining 267 (77.6%) did not happen premature. While that included age categories are not at high risk (20-35 years) the incidence of premature as many as 821 to 156 (19.1%), the remaining 665 (80.9%) did not occur prematurely.
Conclusion: From this study it can be concluded that there is no corelation between high risk factors of age with the incidence of premature birth mothers.
Keywords: Corelation, Age high risk of preterm labor
Penulis: Jauharin P.Tyastirin
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd080010