
Paket Lengkap Relasi Pengetahuan Ibu Perihal Posyandu Dengan Motivasi Ibu Tiba Ke Posyandu Di Desa Banteran Kecamatan Sumbang Tahun 2008

ABSTRACT: Knowledge plays an important role in determining the behaviors that influence maternal motivation to come to Posyandu because Posyandu is one way easier to know the mother and toddler infant growth. In the village of Banteran the number of infants who come to posyandu quite low at 60.6%.
Objective: To determine the relationship between maternal knowledge about posyandu with maternal motivation come to Posyandu in the village of the District Banteran Contribute in 2008.
Methods: The study is an analytic correlation with cross-sectional approach. The population is mothers who have babies in the village of the District Banteran Contribute Banyumas regency totaling 736 people. Sampling is done by cluster random sampling with 74 people. The research instrument used questionnairesand data analysis with Spearman Rank correlation test with significance level of 0.05.
Results: Of the 74 respondents who have knowledge of both categories posyandu many as 37 people (50.0%). And of the 74 respondents were motivated to come to Posyandu high category as many as 44 people (59.5%). Spearman Rank Correlation test results are known r-value calculated at 0,433dan p-value of0.000 (< relationship between maternal knowledge about posyandu with maternalmotivation to come to Posyandu. The relationship obtained (0.433) included in the category of moderate because of the value of r-count is in the range from 0.40 to 0.559.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between mother's knowledge on work motivation and motivation posyandu mother to come to Posyandu
Penulis: Novi Diyah Pipit Ratna Sari, Indri Heri S
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd080011

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