
Paket Lengkap Aplikasi Teknik Swaddling, Side-Stomach, Shushing, Swinging, Sucking(5S’S) Terhadap Skala Nyeri Dan Durasi Tangisan Pada Neonatus Paska Mekanisme Pengambilan Darah

Abstract: Neonatal care at hospital involved many invasive procedures. The invasive procedures caused pain in neonates. The role of nurse is minimize the discomfort andpain for them. Negative effect when we let the pain in long time, there are immediatelyeffect, short term effect and long term effect. 5S’s technique is useful to make babycomfortable and soothing neonates.The purpose of this study was to analyze the application of 5S’s technique to the pain and duration of crying neonates post bloodsampling procedures. Method: Research design was experimental research with QuasiExperimental design post test only with control group. The sample consisted of 50 neonates, 25 nonates in control group and 25 neonates in the experimental group, withinclusion criteria: aterm neonates, normal apgar score. Sampling was done by purposivesampling. The data was analyze by T-test. Result: The results showed that 5s’s technique had effect to pain with p=0,000 and duration of crying, with p=0,011. The researchrecommended for calming crying neonates and reduce pain after invasive procedures and it is expected the results of this study can be considered for standart operating procedures for calming neonates.
Keywords: technique 5S’s, pain neonates, duration of crying, blood sampling procedures
Penulis: Erni Setiyorini, Ning Arti Wulandari
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd140360

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