Paket Lengkap Usage Of Fruit-Infused Water For Prevention Of Dehydration Due To Endurance Exercise
Abstract: This study aimed to extend previous investigation regarding its beneficial effects on changes of blood glucose. This experimental research was conducted from 06:00-12:00. Twenty-four young men (age 19-20 y.o.) were divided into three groups, Fasting-Exercise-Only (FEO), Fasting-Exercise-Water (FEW), and Fasting-Exercise with Fruit-Infused Water (FEF). Subjects underwent fasting for 12 h before the experimental day. The data of body weight (Kg) and macroscopic urine color were collected before and after exercise. Body weight in all experimental groups were decreased by 1% during endurance exercise. There were no differences in decrease of body weight between FEF and FEW groups compared to FEO group (p>.05). The change in urine color was significantly different between pre-exercise and post-exercise data (p<.05). The darkest urine color was observed in FEO group (4.75), followed by FEW group (4.25), while FEF group (3.63) did not reach dehydration level. In conclusion, fruit-infused water is suggested to be drink as a choice for fluid intake during exercise.
Keywords: endurance exercise, fluid replacement, dehydration, fruit-infused water, sports drink
Author: Mohammad Arif Ali, Setya Rahayu, Nanang Indardi, Gustiana Mega Anggita, Fatona Soraya, Tri Rustadi, Anggit Wicaksono, Yu Shiuan Chen, Yun Zhen Chang
Journal Code: jpkesmasgg180017