
Paket Lengkap Dampak Penyuluhan Perihal Menstruasi Terhadap Perilaku Cukup Umur Putri Pra Menstruasi

ABSTRACT: The extension number of menstrual and reproductive health of adolescents were still low, so that the knowledge about menstrual and reproductive health was less.Method : Research design was one-group pre-test-post test design. Research sample 29student at MTs. Ma’arif Srengat in Blitar Regency, its choosed with total sampling. Datacollected by questionnaire. Analysis using chi square. Result : The results showed thathealth education influence pre menstrual adolescents attitude, with asymp, Sig 0.16 nd5.818 square value in the statistical tables. Discussion : By holding the health educationand behavior change, it was expected that the formation of healthy behaviors in order toachieve optimal health status.
Keyword: health promotion, menstruation, attitude
Penulis: Ita Tri Sutanti, Laily Prima Monica
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd140335

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