
Paket Lengkap Kekerabatan Tugas Orang Bau Tanah Dengan Perilaku Cukup Umur Perihal Seks Bebas

Abstract: Teenagers are the transition from children into adults whose duration varies depends on the social and cultural factors. Parents take an important role to improve the general knowledge of child and adolescent reproductive health in particular. Method:The research design was correlational design. The research sample was 30 student XIclass in MAN Wlingi, Blitar Regency. It was choosen using purposive sampling. The datawas collected using questionnaire. The data was analysed using Chi Square Test. Result: The results showed by Chi Square correlation (Rho) that the p value = 0,001. Discussion: Based on the results of the research, it was recommended that parents notfully apply the authoritarian role to the teenagers.
Keywords: parents role, attitude, free sex
Penulis: Dian Lutfianawati dan Intin Ananingsih
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd140346

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