Paket Lengkap Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Berafiliasi Dengan Tingkat Stres Pada Lanjut Usia Di Unit Rehabilitasi Sosial Dewanata Kabupaten Cilacap
ABSTRACT: The increasing number of elderly will require serious because naturally the elderly has declined both in terms of physical, biological, and mental. In addition to degenerative diseases, psychological problems is also an important factor that can affect the lives of the elderly is one of them stress. Theincidence of stress in Indonesia between 2% to 8% on elderly age in comunity, 10% on elderly age inhealth care instituted and 15% for senior citizens in nursing homes. The purpose of the research is toidentify the factors that influence to the stress caused in old age in Social Rehabilitation Unit Dewanatain Cilacap Regency.The research is analytical inferential hypothetical analysis with cross sectional appoach. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling from 48 senior citizens. The results showed the factors that influence to the stress level that is not suffering from the disease (58,6%), rarely experienced conflict (93,1%), the role of the family enough (89,7%), adequate social support (75,9%) experienced mild levels of stress (60,4%).The summary note in the research showed that all factors being researched have influence to the stress level in old age in Social Rehabilitation Unit Dewanata in Cilacap Regency.
Key words: Stress, Elderly
Penulis: Suci Khasanah, Wina Mutiara
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd130257