Paket Lengkap Korelasi Pengetahuan Ibu Ihwal Imunisasi Dasar Dengan Kelengkapan Imunisasi Dasar Pada Bayi Di Desa Karangsari Kecamatan Kebasen Kabupaten Banyumas
ABSTRACT: Every year in all the world, hundreds of mother, adult and children die because disease which in fact admit of to be prevented. This matter because of lack of information about is important of immunize. Immunize to represent one of the way of prevention of serious infection disease which most effective of its expense. Knowledge of old fellow represent factor which is very have an effect on so that can improve awareness for the importance of activity immunize to child growth. Result of antecedent study in Region Countryside Karangsari from 10 raised statement to 10 responder, only 4 people ( 40%) able to answer more than 5 statement and incomplete there is 2 baby.
Target of : To know relation between knowledge of mother about immunizingbase with equipment immunize base at baby in Countryside Karangsari District of Kebasen Sub-Province Banyumas year 2011.
Method : This Research is descriptive research of correlation with approach of sectional cross. total used Sampel ofsampling, this research sampel of motherhaving baby amount to 66 responder, kuesioner instrument, data analysis use squere chi.
Result of : Most knowledge of mother about immunizing base enough counted 36 responder (54,5%), most complete responder in immunize base counted 51responder (77,3%), there is relation kn wledge of mother about immunizing base with equipment immunize base at baby with x value count > x of[is tables of(28,212 > 5,991).
Conclusion : There is relation knowledge of mother about immunizing base with equipment immunize base at baby.
Keyword: Knowledge, Immunize Base, Equipment, Baby
Penulis: Etika Dewi Cahyaningrum,Risna Dewi Rohmadoni
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd120154