
Paket Lengkap The Use Of “Kakayu Dental Flipbook” In Oral Health Knowledge Improvement For Elementary School Students In Depok

Abstract: Educating Indonesian children to improve their knowledge about the importance of maintaining oral health is needed. This study was aimed to explain relation between several factors in elementary school students, such as grade, age, sex with number of children in family or economic factor such as whether the mother is housewife or she earns regular income, which is affected by improvement of their oral health education. A quasi experiment pre-test and post-test without control group design involved 141 students as selected through purposive sampling. Samples were distributed to grade IV, V, and VI of private elementary school students in Depok, West Java, Indonesia in April-October 2016. Data collection used pre-test and post-test questionnaires. Data processing used Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and regression logistic. Results showed the improvement of knowledge level after implementing “KakAyu Dental Flipbook” education. The average result of respondents’ knowledge at pre-test was 80.85 ± 14.17, and 93.40 ± 9.84 at post-test. There is a relation between knowledge improvement and education using “KakAyu Oral Dental/Orthodonthic Flipbook” (p value = 0.001), but no significant relation between the variables (grade, age, sex, number of family members and mother’s working status) and oral health knowledge improvement of elementary school students.
Keywords: Dental flipbook; education; elementary school students; knowledge; oral health education
Author: Rikawarastuti, Eka Anggreni, Rahaju Budiarti, Nurlaila Ramadhan Suid
Journal Code: jpkesmasgg170014

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