
Paket Lengkap Analisis Faktor Resikokanker Leher Rahim Pada Perempuan Di Rsud Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto Tahun 2011

ABSTRACT: Cervical canceris influencedby severalfactorsincludingtherisk offirst sexualactivity, age, parity, smoking, use ofcontraception. Cervicalcancer casesin hospitalsProf. Dr. MargonoSoekarjoPurwokertoIn 2011as many as273 women.To determine the relationshipof risk factorsof cervical cancerin women withcervicalcancer incidencein hospitalsProf. Dr. MargonoSoekarjoNavanin 2011.
The research method isdescriptivecorrelationwithretrospective approachusingsecondary datawith thepopulation ofwomen suffering fromcervical canceras many as273women, usingasampling techniquequatasamplingwith a sample of100 women. The instrument usedwasa checklist. Analysis usingkendall'stautestandlinearregression.
The results showedthe classification ofmostcervicalcancerhadstage III cancerby 48respondents(48%), there is a relationshipbetween theage oftheincidenceof cervicalcanceristhe value ofP=0.001 (P <0.05). There was no associationbetweenparitywith the incidenceofcervicalcancer isthe value ofP=0.539(P>0.05). No associationwithcontraceptivecervical cancerP =0.064(P>0.05). Based onmultiple linear regression analysiswith the resultsof age(p=0.001), parityfactor(p=0.740), and afactor ofcontraception(p=0.065), indicating the age factoristhe mostdominantfactoraffectingcervical cancer.
From theresults of the studyshowed thatthe risk factorsof agehave the most impacton the incidence ofcervical cancerin women.
Keywords: riskfactors, women cervical cancer
Penulis: Feti Kumala Dewi, Fitri Nurhayati
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd110112

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