Paket Lengkap Frekuensi Kunjungan Antenatal Care (Anc) Ibu Hamil Di Pkd Kertasari Kecamatan Kalibening Kabupaten Banjarnegara Tahun 2010
ABSTRACT: Mortality Ms. ( AKI) And Mortality Baby ( AKB) in Indonesia pertained still high enough. One of the effort degradation of ACCUMULATOR and AKB is Antenatal visit of Care( Ministry of Health, 2011). Pursuant to done/conducted by survey pre data in PKD Kertasari inthe year 2009 to 54 pregnant mother and only 47 ( 87%) pregnant mother execute Antenatal visitof Care. Knowing Antenatal visit frequency of Care at pregnant mother in PKD Kertasari, District of Kalibening, Sub-Province Banjarnegara Year 2010.
Research type is quantitative descriptive, with approach of retrospektif. Its population entire/all pregnant mother in PKD Kertasari, District of Kalibening, Sub-Province Banjarnegara Year 2010. its Intake technique of nya use total technique of sampling that is entire/all pregnant mother which reside in region in PKD Kertasari. Ms. pregnancy doing/conducting Antenatal visit of Care counted 62%. Pursuant to pregnant mother age which do/conduct Antenatally of Biggest Care that is at age 20 until 35 year, pursuant to parity that is at nullipara group that is 78%.
Antenatal Visit K4 frequency of pregnant Care Mother in new PKD Kertasari 62 %, so that still require to be improved
Keyword: frequency, Antenatal of Pregnant Care,Ibua
Penulis: Ari Tri Sulistyaningsih, Prasanti Adriani
Kode Jurnal: jpkebidanandd110111